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Animated Exercising

Personal Project, 2021

I did break both my arms during a skateboard accident in march 2021. During the healing process afterwards I had to attend quite a lot of physio and was not able to do anything at a desk, like most of my hobbies which are at a desk. Luckily I could use Mirjams iPad and draw/animate, without straining the right arm too much.

This is a good handful of all the exercises I did to keep my body in shape, all drawn and animated in Procreate.

moving the arms moving the arms, lying on the floor stretching a rubber band sit ups leg up pelvis movement with arrows indicating it’s direction bouncing a large ball tapping the feet left and right getting back hand movement moving each finger one by one rumpfbeugen moving a weight left and right in my hand situps with alternating leg and arm movement

You made it this far! Have a small behind the scenes as treat, the last image shows some onions skins of the separate layers + my layout sketches in thin white lines, marking arches and rough outlines.

making off frame of situps

Last modified 9 Aug 2021

Tags: #Animation #Gif #Illustration #Procreate